Ideas for Budget 2023

 Everyone has a wish list for the annual budget event and so here are some of my ideas.

1. Welfare Effectiveness Index by Scheme and State:

Each year we allocate thousands of crores for different welfare schemes including health, education, child and women welfare etc. The quality of welfare is not the same everywhere in the country with a huge population.  In order to gauge the effectiveness of the welfare schemes a welfare effectiveness index can be introduced. By surveying the beneficiaries on the key aspects of the welfare scheme and registering responses on a numeric scale, one can gauge the effectiveness. A healthy feedback loop can be put in place.

Further potential beneficiaries can be encouraged to form Whatsapp/social media  groups (wherever possible) to sort out common issues and communication.

2. Ease of doing business index by sector:

An ease of doing business by country and state is in place. It can be extended to sectors as well. So if mining sector scores low when compared to say automobiles sector, one can find out why and focus on sector specific measures. And best practices can be reinforced. 

The ease of doing business index can also be extended on the basis of size - large, medium and small enterprises.

3. 'Infrastructure tourism':

Infrastructure marvels are modern day temples. Citizens would want to see and experience the infrastructure wonders in different parts of the country. In the next couple of decades, trillions of rupees would be spent on infrastructure - so why not coin (the phrase!) and promote 'infrastructure tourism'.

4. Promote alternative energy sources including nuclear and solar power plants:

Tax holiday for alternative power generation plants and equipment manufacturing companies for a long period, so that the dependence on fossil fuels is reduced.

Watch out for more ideas and articles!


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