
Showing posts from December, 2022

G20 is a great forum to address immigrant workers issues in the middle east and elsewhere

 It is a great honor for India to host the G20 meet this year.It is an acknowledgement of emergence of India as a global power. Among a plethora of economic and political issues at hand, one area that is not receiving due attention is the problem of immigrant workers particularly in the middle east. For decades, we are accustomed to hearing and watching about atrocities against (South Asians!) immigrant workers in the middle east. The ghosts of migrant laborers are looming large over the foot ball world cup tournament this year. It is high time India addresses this issue on behalf of the South Asian workers. In the next three decades, crores of young people will get added to the work force and many of them will immigrate to foreign lands in search of work and greener pastures. While the remuneration, living and working conditions for most of the skilled and white collared workers is great, the same cannot be said of blue collared workers who involve in physical labor. It is important t