The Never Ending 'Game': Interaction between Fiscal and Monetary Measures

The interaction between monetary and fiscal policies can't be clearly delineated into neatly divided quadrants but one can broadly capture the policies and their impact on the economy as shown in the chart below. Impact of Fiscal and Monetary measures: The impact of fiscal spending/contraction has a time lag when compared to monetary policy. The impact of fiscal measures is more targeted, long lasting and the multiplier effect is much bigger when compared to monetary measures. Monetary authorities are much more nimble footed when compared to their fiscal counterparts but their impact is only short term in nature. State of the Economy: Both fiscal and monetary authorities respond depending on the current state of the economy - expansion, recession or stagflation etc. The following paragraphs describe each of the scenarios outlined in the quadrants above. Q1 - Both fiscal and monetary policies are expansionary: When the economy is going through a protracted downtu...