Key Economic and Welfare Indicators for Global Economies

GDP, Per Capita GDP, GDP growth rates etc may not always capture the welfare and standard of living of the people. GDP growth is dependent on a number of factors including global economic environment and natural calamities which are well beyond the control of any one country or group. Even in the "rich" economies of the west, economic inequality is surprisingly high. In case of emerging market economies with high populations this contrast is even starker. The scope for re-distributive taxes is limited in case of emerging markets, they would not want to hurt their growth prospects. For low and middle income group countries the transition to high income group may last several decades and growth (and development) may remain "top heavy" for a long time to come. As such these low or middle income economies will have to make the best of what they have by focusing on administrative/governance procedures and outcomes. The target must be to provide at least a minimum sta...